The woke movement is a perverse destabilizer of the foundations of Western society. It challenges merit and individual capabilities in favor of ever-shifting notions (racial origins, sexual preferences, belonging to any minority, past trauma...) and grants benefits to those who claim them. It is no longer "may the best man win!" but "may the most different win!".
Beyond the arbitrary nature of these criteria, each of us becomes an isolated community of one. We are completely individualized, pitted against each other, unable to reason in the interest of the community, but only concerned with our own differences.
Furthermore, the woke movement denies or inverts the most obvious biological realities (men being "pregnant," the sexualization of children...), thus disrupting our deepest intellectual and moral foundations, contributing to the confusion of meaning, creating generation gaps without any real basis, and transforming our perception of reality.
A bonus of wokism is that we must not forget that mental health has always been used as a pretext for the internment of opponents. By making official discourse convey obvious falsehoods such as those propagated by wokism, it becomes easy to denounce a common sense discourse as proof of a hateful or mentally troubled discourse, and thus get rid of the opponents.