Moral bankruptcy of the West
Work in progress...
The supremacy of the West was built on its values. Freedom, family, work, merit, innovation...
These values have fostered tremendous economic development and established the US Dollar as the international currency of exchange. They have also enabled the worldwide cultural victory of the Western model (the "American Dream," English as the default language for international exchanges...).
But these values are now being called into question, and this is undoubtedly the main factor behind the decline of the West.
Just some links while waiting for a somewhat scary article...
The "pedo island" of Epstein: It is still unbelievable to imagine that according to established facts:
- for years, Epstein and Maxwell recruited and sexually abused minors on this island (and elsewhere).
- dozens of personalities from politics, finance and the media regularly visited the island.
- Epstein "committed suicide" in prison during a surveillance camera outage, while the two guards who were supposed to visit him every 30 minutes were sleeping...
- The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell was held behind closed doors and the list of visitors to the island was never made public.
The Satanic spectacle of Sam Smith at the Grammys, during prime time, sponsored by Pfizer (you can't make this up):
In the same vein:
The Balenciaga scandal:
The sexualization of children and the normalization of pedophilia:
The normalization of mental illness:
The world's most powerful army (this could also go in Just for fun...):