Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens is an ancient species and possesses the same physical and intellectual "hardware" as we do today. However, the cultural environment shapes its intelligence and we cannot definitively say that our ancestors were more or less intelligent than us; simply put, their world was different. Thus, they thought differently!

This dive into the past of our way of thinking is fascinating. Some references:

Today's Homo sapiens, because of their environment, education, and culture, is very different from pre-Biblical Homo sapiens. It is even already different from Homo sapiens before the industrial revolution. And the hyper-connectivity of our current world is building the new version of Homo sapiens.

Where are the limits of this evolution? Will Homo sapiens disappear with transhumanism? Will it be made obsolete, exterminated, or absorbed by artificial intelligence? Or will it once again succeed in adapting and evolving, without letting technology devour it?