Great Reset

At the Source

It is not a conspiracy or fiction, it is the official plan of the WEF. The main lines are described in Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret's book, The Great Reset, published in 2020.

The book is interesting because it reveals several axes highlighted in our analysis of the system.

The Great Reset shamelessly reveals the contempt and fear that the elites have for the people. It is an ultra-defensive strategy that denies the intelligence and creativity of men.

Carried by the WEF, the program is actually derived and applied in collaboration between the great organizations of the system. Source. It is the eco-friendly and inclusive packaging of a policy aimed at controlling the population.

Practical measures of the Great Reset

To implement this strategy, the system relies on new tools of surveillance and control.


The Great Reset strategy is already being implemented:

All of this is obviously decided without soliciting the opinions of the populations. No one has voted for these policies! It doesn't matter, the system disdains our opinion. It disdains us. "What to do with all these useless people?" Source