Freedom of speech
By definition, democracy is the power of the people. Without freedom of expression, free and open debate is not possible; without free and open debate, an informed choice is not possible.
Freedom of expression is therefore completely inseparable from a truly democratic society, and conversely, any society that practices censorship cannot claim to be democratic.
Software Democracy therefore bets on absolute freedom of expression. All opinions can be freely expressed and presented to the public debate.
And in reality, when extreme or absurd opinions face collective intelligence, they are quickly set aside! On the contrary, their prohibition adorns them with an aura of hidden truth that reinforces their credibility...
Everyone must therefore be allowed to express themselves. Ultimately, decisions will be made by the community, and the chances that collective intelligence will make the right decision are much greater than when a small group decides for the whole.
Are there limits to this freedom of expression? Probably, but every limit to freedom of expression is a risk to society; censorship should therefore be limited as much as possible.
Examples of subjects that could be censored: pedophilia, calls to murder or violence... But in any case, the decision to censor these subjects must itself be the subject of public debate, as well as the methods of censorship envisaged. Then, the integration of censorship rules in the Code will facilitate control and limit abuses.