Our leaders use fear to better control us. But in reality, it is they who are afraid!
He who controls people's fear becomes the master of their soul.
Nicolas Machiavel
Fear kills the mind. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
Frank Herbert
Fear has always been used to implement totalitarian policies.
Fear as a control tool
In recent history, the most used fear has been that of terrorism. It has allowed for the establishment of liberty-restricting laws (e.g.: Patriot Act in the US) and to inscribe a permanent state of emergency in the laws of Western countries. Very often, this has also made it possible to create a special prisoner status, with fewer rights: the "terrorist". Of course, this definition quickly becomes variable geometry and easily extends to any individual hostile to the system.
We have recently experienced the fabrication of the fear of the pandemic. The media and political firepower that fueled this fear was impressive. Masks, vaccines, and QR codes occupied the media space for 2 years, without interruption. This unprecedented experience has strongly reinforced liberty-restricting laws by establishing the pass as a means of universal access control. It will also have weakened the mental state of a large part of the population, particularly the young.
And in the background, waiting for its time, the fear of global warming is gradually being constructed. Built on the basis of digital identity (integrated into a future carbon pass?), it will allow for even more restrictions, the establishment of consumption quotas, control of expenses and travel with the help of CBDC - CCDC. It is not a question of discussing the reality of global warming, but of its use within an organized system aimed at restricting our freedoms!
Fear prevents us from thinking, from exercising our critical thinking, from fighting. Accepting fear is already accepting our political defeat.
What is the reality of the terrorist, pandemic or ecological threat? It is not a question of outright denying the existence of risks, but of allowing for debate, both on the nature of these threats and on solutions. And as soon as we start working on solutions, fear fades away.
If we replaced fear with analysis, debate, and confidence in our collective ability to solve problems?
Fear changes sides
In reality, it is the system that is afraid; this fear of popular uprisings is even one of the themes of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset!
All these oppressive measures, deprivation of liberty, and surveillance are in fact only a reflection of this fear: the fear of people, the fear of losing control and seeing reality unveiled: it is ultimately only a small elite trying to save its supremacy!
As long as the democratic disguise allows appearances to be saved, the game continues, but it is a vicious circle: the more the population becomes aware of the fraud, the more the system is obliged to strengthen control and lie, and the more the population becomes aware of the fraud.
It is to avoid an ultraviolent and unpredictable reaction that solutions must be built before the fateful moment; the transition of power must begin at the moment when the system still believes in its all-powerfulness. Software Democracy makes this transition possible.