2023-02 - The Ukrainian Labs

The Twitter account "@WarClandestine" has revealed well-documented links between the USA, Ukraine, the search for biological weapons, and the Biden family.

The first thread (February 2022) establishes the existence of research labs in Ukraine and their direct financing by the US Department of Defense (DoD) indisputably. In any case, it is still displayed by the embassy today.

A more recent thread begins by confirming the existence of the labs, citing Victoria Nuland's testimony before the US Congress, which leads the DoD to have to publish a press release which also confirms the existence of 46 (!) "peaceful laboratories." It continues with a long list of "fact-checkers" of the time who had denied this information...

But what is the link with Biden? We need to go back to the launch of these labs in 2005 (with Senator Obama!), which allowed American companies to set up... Like Metabiota, in which the Bidens are heavily invested.

In 2014, the USA organized the Ukrainian revolution and took control of the state. From there, Biden's son invested in Metabiota just before the company received a mega-contract from the DoD, and Biden went to Ukraine 13 times under political cover.

In the February 1st thread, we return to a leaked call from Biden to Poroshenko (then Ukrainian president) in 2016, just after Biden's election, where Biden physically threatens Poroshenko (!) and asks him to close a bank to hide the traces of an activity that Trump must not find. What else but these activities related to research labs?

And as soon as the war started (02/24/2022), Zelensky ordered the destruction of all state documents mentioning Metabiota and Battelle (another Pentagon subcontractor). Most certainly, Zelensky also had his Poroshenko phone call, and the destruction of evidence was launched.

On 11/03/2022, the WHO asked Ukraine itself to quickly destroy all pathogens present in the labs (which were not supposed to exist...).

But it is not so easy to destroy evidence, and Russia has just announced that it has recovered 20,000 documents that allow it to demonstrate that the Pentagon was developing biological weapons in Ukraine. Lavrov has publicly denounced two laboratories in Kyiv and Odessa.

What to conclude? The author of the research considers these elements to be the main cause of the means deployed in Ukraine, which may seem extreme unless there is evidence that COVID-19 itself was developed in these labs (which the author claims).

The author also outlines the general organization of the system, which involves politicians, US government departments, pharmaceutical companies... Are we at the heart of the system?

But without going that far, there is no doubt that the United States pursued a biological research program in Ukrainian labs, and that the Biden family, through its interests in the Metabiota company, had every interest in conducting more or less shady business there; and that on several occasions, efforts were made to erase the traces of these activities.

As is often the case when one looks up, the interests pursued are far from the general interest...