


This is the most significant technological evolution since the arrival of search engines!

Of course, work on AI has been going on for a good decade, but for the first time, a tool arrives with the abilities of a real professional personal assistant, capable of writing texts, coding, explaining concepts, all in the form of a dialogue…

And right away, the question of the neutrality of these AI arises. Who decides what the AI can say? Who sets the limits? How?

Unfortunately, ChatGPT has, for now, chosen a clear political orientation; but maybe it is a good thing to realize immediately the importance of censorship applied to artificial intelligence!

CO2 emission rights for all by 2027

The polluter-pays principle, embodied by the European CO2 market (ETS), will be extended in 2027 to the housing and transport sectors (ETS II). It will then apply to everyone; we will all have to pay a tax for our CO2 emissions.

A fund of €86 billion is created to "help the most vulnerable" cope with these new taxes. It will initially be funded by the auction of CO2 emission rights.

To preserve the competitiveness of European industries, tariffs will be applied to non-EU products in the steel, cement, aluminium, fertiliser, electricity and hydrogen sectors.



Europe is therefore continuing its economic suicide, combined with the inevitable repressive measures that will have to accompany the implementation of emissions taxes applied to individuals (carbon passes, CBDC - CCDC...).

The pretext of environmental policy (Europe accounts for nothing in global CO2 emissions) allows the deployment of a new model of totalitarian society where everything is controlled, taxed, and monitored.

EU AML rulebook

The European Commission is preparing a new stage in currency control: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/12/07/anti-money-laundering-council-agrees-its-position-on-a-strengthened-rulebook/

As always, the motivations put forward are the protection of citizens and the financing of terrorism... And as always, all these texts are prepared by an unelected institution before being submitted to Parliament.

The key points are to:

The absurdity of the motivations also demonstrates the system's fear of its populations and its desire to put in place tools to control them.

Blackrock will rebuild Ukraine...

... After having profited from the sale of weapons that allowed it to be destroyed.

The announcement of the study by Blackrock in November. The announcement of the agreement by the press and by the Ukrainian government.

And Zelensky adds more fuel to the fire in January: "Sending Ukraine heavier weapons, like Abrams tanks, represents a big business opportunity for US corporations." How much? At least 2 billion dollars. China doesn't fail to remind either!

Blackrock is the world's largest investment fund, a massive shareholder in the largest arms producers and obviously very closely linked to the US government through the cross-pollination of recruitment ("BlackRock has hired many former government officials into senior roles"). We are at the heart of the system, which destroys to rebuild and kills to enrich itself...

Who benefits from the crime?