9.3. The Foundation


Constituent votes

The constituent votes on the blockchain will be the true founding event of the Software Democracy. The successive votings of the Universal Constitution and the National Constitution will allow the institutions to start.

Of course, at the time of this constituent vote, only a minority of the population will participate in the Software Democracy. But the foundations will be laid, and the texts will evolve as new suggestions come in.

Newcomers will have to accept the voted Constitutions and will be able to exercise their citizen's right to propose new articles or amendments.

Once the Constitution is voted, a new State will come to life, a kind of online version of the country that will coexist with the State it is meant to replace, a democratic Network State on a national scale.

This State will not be officially recognized by the historical State, and in the best case, it will be ignored. However, this will not prevent its citizens from subscribing to the values of the new constitutions and beginning to bring the Software Democracy to life.

Establishment of institutions

Once the constitutions are voted, the Software Democracy deploys its institutions.

Establishment of Councils

Members of the Councils are mandated for 4 years, but a regular rotation is planned. The first Councils will therefore start with 25% of the total staff planned by the Constitution, and 25% more representatives will be added each year until full staff is reached at the beginning of the fourth year.

In the early days, it is mainly about setting up the system, running the applications of the Software Democracy, and launching the first Commissions and Votations.

The Citizen Oversight Council

At the same time, the Citizen Oversight Council is mandated. Its members are mandated for 4 years, and the first Council will start with 25% of the total staff planned and will be completed over the following three years.

Establishment of Ministries

Once the Councils are in place, the first Ministries are created, with initially reduced staff because their power of action will be limited by the power in place. But the important thing is to run the political system in a vacuum to validate its functioning and adapt it as needed.


To save time in its implementation, Software Democracy reuses everything it can.


While waiting to set up an autonomous system and to avoid the risk of creating multiple identities for a single person, digital identity of the digital democracy will initially be assigned from an existing official document.

National borders

The Software Democracy, exercised at the global level, will offer new perspectives in the resolution of international conflicts or the independence aspirations of regions. But initially, the Software Democracy will be set up within existing national frameworks.


The idea is not to rewrite everything but to assemble the already existing open source bricks into a functional whole. There are already voting applications, digital identity, strong blockchains; it is a matter of making a usable platform.

The software of the Software Democracy will evolve and improve over time.

Existing laws

Too complex, too numerous, existing laws are nevertheless the result of hundreds of years of collective wisdom.

While gradually rewriting a new legislative code, existing laws can be adopted, as long as they do not explicitly violate the Constitution. The Council of Elders, in the normal course of its activities, will propose the obsolescence of laws that can be suspended.

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