6.4. Judiciary Apparatus

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Public Law

The International Constitutional Court

It is the supreme authority for protecting the 4.2. The Universal Constitution. Its 8 members are drawn by lot from among the outgoing voluntary members of the Constitutional Courts of the member countries, with a limit of one simultaneous member per country. They serve a 4-year term.

The International Constitutional Court participates in the development and maintenance of the Universal Constitution and ensures that its spirit remains in line with the fundamental values of the Démocratie Numérique.

It drafts an opinion on all proposals to amend the Universal Constitution and may request the revision of a non-compliant proposal.

The International Court of Human Rights

It can be seized by any citizen of a member country after exhausting national procedures when they suffer harm that infringes upon their fundamental freedoms as described in the Universal Constitution.

It can also be seized by the Office of Software Democracy when the latter witnesses serious breaches by a state.

The Court of International Affairs

It provides member countries with a conflict resolution platform. It also intervenes in accession or exclusion procedures.

Private Law

The Court of Economic Affairs

It provides a platform for resolving disputes between multinational corporations and states. It can be seized by states, companies, the office of the economy, or citizens.

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