6.3. Offices


Role of the Offices

The offices must promote cooperation between member states and international companies in the field of expertise assigned to them.

Appointment of Members

The offices are composed of temporary and permanent staff.

Temporary staff are drawn at random from outgoing staff of equivalent ministries or committees at the national level. They form a cabinet of varying size depending on the office, composed equally of specialists and citizens. They serve a four-year term, with a 25% renewal of members each year. Each year, they elect a representative who will be the head of the cabinet.

This temporary cabinet holds the power of the office. In support of this cabinet, permanent staff facilitate activity, prepare work, and perform administrative tasks.

The Software Democracy Office

It monitors the application of the principles of Software Democracy in member states and ensures the development of applications implementing Software Democracy at the international level.

Application of Software Democracy Principles

The Software Democracy Office observes the functioning of institutions in different countries, compares them, and tries to draw recommendations and best practices from them. It shares these best practices with member countries in the form of non-binding proposals.

It also ensures that member states respect the Universal Constitution in terms of human rights protection. It can refer to the International Court of Human Rights in case of serious and repeated breaches.

Development of Software Platforms

The Software Democracy office is responsible for the development, maintenance, and security of software platforms supporting international Software Democracy:

It regularly publishes a report on the progress of its work; these are the release notes of Software Democracy!

The Economy Office

It ensures a balanced operation of the global economy and encourages an economy of abundance, through the implementation of incentives and economic policies promoting investment, productivity, and creativity.

Management of the Global Reserve Currency

The economy office ensures monetary balance through measured management of the global reserve currency.

This will be an international cryptocurrency, with operating rules adapted to the spirit of Software Democracy and, above all, offering unwavering stability (see the note on Bitcoin).

When the economy office considers making changes to the operation or issuance policy of the global reserve currency, it must report to the Representative Council, which will decide whether to turn the proposal into a Constitutional amendment or International Resolution.

Management of Software Platforms

The economy office ensures the proper functioning, maintenance, and evolution of the software platform supporting:

International Trade Rules

The economy office supports international economic cooperation efforts, particularly among Software Democracy countries, and proposes international trade rules, which can then be voted on in the form of International Resolutions.

It identifies opportunities for cooperation and proposes them to member states. However, each member country remains sovereign in terms of economic and customs policy.

Control of Multinational Companies

The economy office monitors multinational companies to ensure they do not abuse their position to the detriment of member states and citizens.

For this purpose, it has the necessary investigative resources, and will publicly communicate the results of its analyses to allow citizens or the Representative Council to propose possible measures. It can also refer cases to the Economic Affairs Court in the event of illegal actions.

Management of International Standards

The economy office maintains the technical standards that facilitate international cooperation and trade.

The International Affairs Office

The International Affairs Office monitors relations between member states and international cooperation bodies, as well as relations between the member states themselves.

It is the primary facilitator to intervene in case of conflict. Its public situation reports may trigger proposals for International Resolutions, at the initiative of the Council or citizens.

The fundamental principle of Software Democracy being to allow citizens to exercise power, the International Affairs Office will always try to resolve international issues by proposing votes in the concerned countries. Most often, wars are triggered by leaders trapped in their international politics; if the people were in power, they would most certainly make different decisions!

The Defense Office

The Defense Office leads the international army of Software Democracy, composed of contingents and material resources provided by member countries.

Its missions are to:

The Defense Office also coordinates space military resources, both to guarantee the neutrality of access to space and to protect against dangers from space.

The army of Software Democracy serves the citizens. It acts on mandate and has no political power of its own.

The Environment Office

The mission of the Environment Office is to guarantee access to the basic common goods of humanity: air, water, soil.

It monitors the actions of companies and states, and its public reports can trigger votes at the initiative of the Council or citizens.

It works hand in hand with the Economy Office to constantly optimize incentives to implement a virtuous economy from an environmental point of view.

Other Offices

Other offices can be established, always with the spirit of promoting international cooperation and sharing best practices among member states: space, health, education, research, ethics, justice...

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