5.6. Commissions


Permanent Commissions

These commissions observe and report on the state of the art in their field: economy, health, ethics, education... All societal themes are covered.

They allow institutions to know the state of the nation in general and to learn more about a specific field or to study the efficacy of past decisions.

They differ from Ministries in that they do not have executive power; however, their role of study and advice can be used by Ministries to define the best ways to implement a new Law.


Members of the permanent commissions are selected randomly from voluntary applications:

The objective of this mixed representation is to encourage a good presentation of issues by non-experts and a good presentation of the challenges of the field by experts.

The members of permanent commissions are renewed at the same pace as most other institutions: 25% of the staff every year.


In a broad sense, the role of the permanent commissions is to inform the Nation about their area of expertise.


The Commissions elect a representative and an alternate who represent the Commission in public affairs. This representative has a permanent guest seat in the cabinets of the relevant ministries in relation to their field of action.

Temporary Commissions

Temporary Commissions are established to prepare for a vote. Their functioning is inspired by Citizen's initiative reviews: a group of randomly selected citizens studies a specific subject and presents its findings in a report intended for other citizens.


Several elements are variable, at the discretion of the Representative Council:

Within the limits defined by the Representative Council, the Temporary Commissions have all the necessary powers to carry out their study, such as soliciting external opinions or organizing a visit to a place related to the subject.

The result of their work is a report intended for citizens. This report takes the form of a one-page summary of the main arguments and the Commission's recommendation, as well as a more detailed supplementary dossier, including the documentary sources used to produce the analysis.


The commissions elect a representative and a substitute who represent the commission in public affairs.

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