5.4. Judiciary Apparatus


Main Courts

The judiciary system is complex and heavily dependent on a country's historical heritage. Its organization will therefore vary greatly depending on the case.

In broad terms, however, the following Courts will always be present:
Public law:

Private law:

Who delivers justice?

Appointment of judges

Justice, like the police or the army, is a professional body. It is therefore legal professionals who operate the judiciary system, selected through competitive examinations.

There are, however, two special cases:

The role of Artificial Intelligence

Most Courts in the judiciary system allow for the escalation of procedures:

To speed up the processing of cases, making justice more accessible and effective, the first level of judgment will be accelerated by AI as much as possible. Submission of files, defense elements, all this can be prepared and analyzed by AI which, having instant and unlimited access to all texts and jurisprudence, will propose a first judgment. Although this judgment will initially be reviewed by a professional judge, the system can certainly be allowed to operate autonomously quite quickly.

At the second level, the case will be taken up by professional lawyers, who will be able to verify the work done by the AI, process additional elements, and confirm or overturn the initial judgment.

Finally, at the third level, judges will have the possibility to convene a citizen jury to decide on the most delicate cases, when the situation calls for it.


The judiciary apparatus ensures compliance with Laws and the Constitution. Faithful to the spirit of the Software Democracy, Justice relies on technology to be more efficient and serve society, while allowing citizens to be involved when difficult cases arise.

Finally, like other institutions, Justice is subject to the supervision of the Citizen Surveillance Council.

Let's talk about it!

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