5.1. Introduction
The principles of Software Democracy are exercised at several levels: international, national, regional, communal... Power is best exercised in proximity to citizens, and Software Democracy seeks to delegate power locally as much as possible.
However, the Nation remains the main place of exercise of citizen power. Therefore, we will focus here on this level by proposing an institutional model to support Software Democracy.
(graph to be translated :))
This model can then be adapted to different regional or local scales, the essential thing being to obtain a balance of power allowing the expression of citizen will.
At the regional level, institutions and procedures dealing with the National Constitution will be removed, and at the communal level, bicameralism and the executive part might be removed...
All adaptations are possible as long as the spirit of Software Democracy embodied by the National Constitution is respected: the people are sovereign.
[[Next page](5.2. L'appareil législatif)]