4.3. The National Constitution
The national Constitution is an extension of the Universal Constitution. It integrates it as a reference text and specifies the practical procedures for its adoption.
It defines the rules for belonging to the nation.
It organizes the exercise of Software Democracy on a national scale:
- Definition of citizenship (age, conditions).
- Definition of national institutions and their roles.
- Organization of democratic life:
- Proposals for laws.
- Preparation of laws.
- Voting.
- Execution of decisions.
- Definition of surveillance procedures and counter-powers.
It defines the rules for its functioning:
- The modalities of the drawing of lots and the appointment of representatives.
- The general rules of representativeness of the two chambers.
- Procedures for appointment to various Councils and Commissions.
- Allocation of responsibilities between state, regions, and municipalities.
It defines the rules of the national economic game:
- Functioning of the national currency.
- Rules for financing the state.
- General rules of economic life.
It defines the procedures for its own updating:
- Procedure for amending the national Constitution.
- Required voting thresholds (participation, majority)