2.1. Becoming aware of the system
To become aware of the system and take back control of our words, we will define it by its most significant characteristics. Once we have identified them, we will see the outline of the system take shape.
Data collection
Under the pretext of improving the quality of digital services, the system collects our data and traces our private lives, physical or digital. This information is stored in centralized systems, cross-referenced between services and sold to the highest bidder. The system thus knows our interests, our friends, our political preferences.
This data can then be used against us, to lock us up in virtual prisons that exploit our weaknesses, a modern version of bread and circuses, or to identify, monitor, and trace potential "deviants".
-> An organization that lives off the collection of our data or encourages it participates in the system: Facebook, Google, Apple, States...
Apagogy: these organizations collect and exchange our personal data to better serve us. They keep this information for our benefit only, with an absolute guarantee of security and confidentiality, and do not profit from it.
Taking control of bodies
Under the pretext of protecting our health, the system takes control of our bodies: junk food, overeating, medical treatments imposed without consent... If the system really wanted a healthy population, would it allow obesity and diabetes to explode? Would the industry produce increasingly processed foods? Would experimental medical treatments be injected en masse?
By losing the sovereignty of our own bodies, we become the toys of the system. Where is the limit, once the red line of our physical integrity is crossed?
-> An organization that undermines our physical integrity by encouraging us to adopt a harmful lifestyle or by imposing medical treatments on us participates in the system: the agro-food industry, Big Pharma, complicit States...
Apagogy: these organizations do their utmost to ensure that the population is in optimal health. They produce healthy foods and promote a public health policy focused on prevention and education. They allow doctors to practice freely and patients to dispose of their bodies.
Permanent and systematic control
Under the pretext of public health, the Covid crisis has institutionalized permanent control and systematic punishment, controlling access to all public places, disconnecting objectors from society, even excluding them from their work.
If Covid controls have been temporarily lightened, no device has actually been suspended. On the contrary, the system is working to make them permanent and extend their scope; strengthened and more mature versions will be redeployed in the next emergency! As always, measures put in place during a crisis are perpetuated and eventually become part of everyday life.
-> An organization that advocates for permanent control of identities, health status, or "carbon footprint" participates in the system: Big Pharma, states, digital security companies...
Apagogy: these organizations place us under surveillance for our own good, to protect us from serious threats that justify the infringement of our liberties. Sanctions targeting recalcitrant individuals are deserved because they rightly punish those who put society in danger.
Control of financial transactions
Under the pretext of security and taxation, the system wants to control all financial transactions. And as we have recently seen in Canada, this control over the financial system already allows for the financial disconnection of opponents.
But while small individual transactions are subject to strict control, system organizations circulate billions through tax havens with impunity and largely escape taxation.
The next step is the implementation of CBDC - CCDC, which will allow for much greater control over our transactions... And the restriction of our freedoms.
-> An organization that controls currency, transactions, and payment methods participates in the system: central banks, banks, states...
Apagogy: these organizations are obliged to strengthen the control of all payments because of unemployment or health insurance fraud. It is unfair for these fraudsters to profit from our taxes! Moreover, it effectively fights against delinquents and money laundering. Finally, I trust these organizations not to take advantage of their double status as controllers and controlled.
Under the pretext of governance and democracy (!), the system encourages the implementation of very vertical structures, which are much easier to control than decentralized structures.
Thus, the impregnable position of digital giants, clearly in an oligopoly situation but benefiting from the system's blessing as long as they actively participate in the control of information.
It is the same with money, health, economy... The system encourages the emergence of giants that allow coordinated and simultaneous action at all levels of the system.
This extreme centralization makes it possible to deploy a global plan for transforming society, without asking for the opinion of the main stakeholders!
-> An organization that seeks to strengthen the centralization of global governance bodies participates in the system: GAFA, international organizations, large companies...
Apagogy: it is normal for us to have a highly centralized system where decisions are made by a very small group of people at the top of the pyramid. From where they are, they inevitably have a better view! Moreover, the world has become very complex and a little frightening; we are probably not capable of making the right decisions.
Information control
Under the pretext of security and democracy, the system wants to control information at all costs. It is the one that must tell the story. It censors all dissenting opinions, except those that serve it.
If there was only one argument to convince anyone of the existence of an organized system of information control in the West, it would be the synchronization with which all internet platforms carry the same news, the same discourse, and apply the same censorship rules.
The example of the Covid health crisis or the Ukrainian conflict is telling in this regard!
-> An organization that participates in the official discourse and censors divergent opinions participates in the system: the GAFA, traditional media, and states...
Apagogia: there is no information control and the media present us with a rather accurate reflection of reality; the proof is precisely that they all say the same thing at the same time! So it must be true!
Language control
Under the pretext of respect for minorities and sensitivities or to cover up its lies, the system transforms the use of language and prevents us from thinking about problems.
Words are constantly used in the wrong way: censorship is justified in the name of freedom of expression, democracy is defended by suppressing elementary freedoms, freedom is defended by establishing permanent control...
-> An organization that voluntarily uses the vocabulary proposed by the system and integrates it into its way of functioning participates in the system: states, media, companies...
Apagogia: it is normal for language to evolve with society. In addition, some words can be interpreted in an offensive way and it is important to avoid any discrimination. The use of euphemisms or counter-sense shows that our society is evolving in the right direction!
The Woke movement
Under the pretext of tolerance and open-mindedness, the system individualizes, dehumanizes and disorients us.
The woke movement has quickly become the spearhead of this fight: it isolates us, breaks intergenerational ties and makes us doubt reality.
It's a dangerous game for the system; on the one hand, wokeism allows for the mass production of a generation that is easily manipulated, but on the other hand, it challenges what has made the performance and stability of the West since the Industrial Revolution: merit. So, it must be believed that our leaders are not afraid of this...
-> An organization that disseminates "woke" ideas, spreads obvious biological untruths, communalizes and segments society, participates in the system: media, streaming platforms, companies, states...
Apagogy: White supremacy has gone on long enough! This small caste that has shared power at the expense of all minorities must pay, and it is only right to demand reparations for the damage caused, as well as to completely reverse the value system it has put in place. My identity is more important than my competence, and I want to be recognized for it above all else. It gives me rights!
Under the pretext of protection and security, the system builds and feeds a permanent fear. This justifies the implementation of a policy of censorship, repression, and the suppression of individual freedoms.
In recent years, the machine for manufacturing fear has been running at full capacity: terrorism, Covid, Russia, global warming... We are not saying that these threats are not serious (this deserves a real discussion), but they are being used to implement freedom-restricting measures that are disproportionate to the threat, without democratic debate, thereby strengthening the grip of the system.
-> An organization that participates in the creation and maintenance of fear participates in the system: media, states, international organizations...
Apagogy: Fear is real because the threat is real! These organizations are right to alert us; we must become aware of these imminent threats and accept radical measures.
The system attacks our freedom
Ultimately, if there were a common trait, an underlying characteristic to all these elements, it would be the constant assault against our freedoms.
It is the establishment of a totalitarian society, under the pretext of ensuring our well-being and security. The system accumulates repressive measures, in the real or digital world. Free men, whether in thoughts or actions, are dangerous and must be identified and silenced. Is it reasonably possible to think that all of this is for our own good?
This war for control of the internet is a war against freedom, it is a war against the people!