1.3. Controlling the internet
We are therefore engaged in a war for control of the internet. Just as the Church burned books to prevent the spread of dangerous ideas, the system is attempting to control the internet to neutralize ideas that threaten it.
Why? Because the system has lied too much. Its functioning has become too anti-democratic. A widespread awareness would create too great a gap between official discourse and the perception of populations. This is exactly the scenario that led to the collapse of monarchies or the Soviet bloc!
To avoid this awareness, the system must strengthen its control over the internet, and through that, over the population. Of course, this is done for our safety, our health, or... to protect us from disinformation!
But we feel the hypocrisy: security measures never disappear when the alleged threat is removed, there is no public debate on their relevance, their effectiveness is never evaluated...
This war for control of the internet is therefore essentially a war against the peoples. And whether it's in China or in the West, it's played out in the same way, with the same tools of control and censorship.
How to fight when the enemy advances masked and oppresses us by pretending to protect us?
The first step is to rediscover the words, the true meaning of words. Democracy is the power of the people, not of an unelected bureaucratic organization. Freedom is the power to act as we please, not systematic control and repression. Health is the full enjoyment of our physical and mental capacities, not medical treatments imposed in a climate of oppression. We need a new reading grid, tools, and words to understand our world and the system that exercises power.
The second step is to show how the technologies offered by the internet could be used to free us rather than enslave us. The internet is the solution, not the problem! Beyond the critique of the old world, it is therefore the perspective of a better world that must be built.
It is therefore a matter of:
- Proposing a clear reading grid of reality. We must succeed in recognizing and explaining the system!
- Showing that the same tools that enslave us could be put at the service of modern humanistic values and allow the emergence of a new model of society.
- Presenting a concrete proposal for a transition to this new model.
And above all, it is about carrying a message of hope. We have all the tools to offer humanity a radiant future; it is up to us to make it happen.