The new world is coming at breakneck speed: digital identity, CBDC - CCDC, artificial intelligence... There's no turning back!

But who will control these tools? If we do nothing, they will be hyper-centralized organizations, representing only the interests of an elite disconnected from the world. And we will be their slaves.

However, these tools also allow for the establishment of a modern democracy: if sovereign citizens vote on the rules for using and controlling these tools, a new form of society will emerge!

Software Democracy in practice is therefore a collection of open-source applications (identity, voting, wallet) that form the complete software of a modern society.

Developed by and for citizens, this political and economic software is the modern, democratic, and optimistic alternative to the totalitarian system unfolding before our eyes.

To learn more:

If you want to know more about the text, it's here. The text was written with Obsidian and published on Netlify thanks to Ole Eskild Steensen. The entire text is under GPL v3 license.